1. #Kindness is everything. 2. Especially to yourself! 3. You will make #mistakes. You will fail. You will make regrettable decisions. Accept that everyone does. Everyone has. You areRead More
1. #Kindness is everything. 2. Especially to yourself! 3. You will make #mistakes. You will fail. You will make regrettable decisions. Accept that everyone does. Everyone has. You areRead More
It was just another day at home. But there was some excitement with my brother and family visiting us later at night. Add to that,Read More
“I left 10 marks”, my son announced as soon as he entered the house.I was not surprised. The Exam was English Literature and for aRead More
Learning to Learn I was playing music on my laptop and my 2 YO was getting upset. He wanted to watch something on my deviceRead More
My little one often runs forward, keeping his eyes at us. As expected, he ends up banging into something or hurting himself. So looking back isRead More
In the morning as we open our eyes till the time we have managed to put them to bed, our lives revolve around kids. TheirRead More
Stop, don’t float Dont flow because you mustHold onStand stillMake a choice that sets you apart Yes, we know To stand apart is no easy choiceTo standRead More
It’s always bigger in the head. Simply tell yourself that for sustenance sake. Break it down to smaller, less overwhelming chunks. More points always looksRead More
Roll the dice. What did you hear first ~ the clank on the board or the voices in your head. IRead More
I am going to spell it out. Unless you have debilitating back problem, Give the pregnant woman a seat. If you see a mother carrying aRead More