1. #Kindness is everything. 2. Especially to yourself! 3. You will make #mistakes. You will fail. You will make regrettable decisions. Accept that everyone does. Everyone has. You areRead More
1. #Kindness is everything. 2. Especially to yourself! 3. You will make #mistakes. You will fail. You will make regrettable decisions. Accept that everyone does. Everyone has. You areRead More
Dearest Abigail, When I am with you I wonder if I could ever be a mother to a girl. You hurt so easily, ratherRead More
It is easy to keep doing. To fall into the cycle of events. Wake up in the morning, do the things we have been doing, because that’sRead More
Since my last post, Because I Worry, I have been having a nagging thought on what could we do to ensure that our kids grow upRead More
My older son told me on Friday afternoon, “I better have all the fun possible before my birthday. Tomorrow everyone is going to tell meRead More
A mother battling a bitter divorce reached out to me. Sitting across the table and hear her pain, the sense of failing as a parent,Read More
I like collecting pretty things: jewellery, sarees, books, stationery, anything that catches my attention.During our separation, my ex-husband used it to chide me—I was replacingRead More
How does one figure it is time to let go of a relationship or the person you are with? How do you understand or acknowledgeRead More
You know the one thing that seems to overwhelm me when I am online: Lists.Lists of ways and means to make the almost impossible possible.Read More