1. #Kindness is everything. 2. Especially to yourself! 3. You will make #mistakes. You will fail. You will make regrettable decisions. Accept that everyone does. Everyone has. You areRead More
1. #Kindness is everything. 2. Especially to yourself! 3. You will make #mistakes. You will fail. You will make regrettable decisions. Accept that everyone does. Everyone has. You areRead More
The cars were relentless.They had turned the road into a one-way and refused to let us pass. We were getting late. The delivery had not comeRead More
If we are to do things well…if we are to enjoy the process and the journey…if we are to find success…we must reflect on who we are, what we want from life and what would bring us joy.
On Wednesday my son came home from school. His team had won the Football match, he was in a happy place. But I was worried.Read More
The Cars That Brought Me Here. In college, it was a ticket to freedom. Zero dependence on any one else. I could be where I wantedRead More
They were once young too.The world to conquer.Nothing impossible. … I was little too.But on their shoulders, the world was tiny.So many stories, SoRead More
I feel easily. I feel deeply. I am led by my emotions as much as by the dictates of what is right and wrong. TheseRead More
This morning I gave my son a new pair of glasses to wear. The last one was blue, but they had broken within a week.Read More
My little one often runs forward, keeping his eyes at us. As expected, he ends up banging into something or hurting himself. So looking back isRead More
Yet another year goes by. The long wait of childhood seems to have long gone. Now they swish past us…the years. I am reminded of what my fatherRead More