A Dark Night, A Lantern and A Wish

It had been a few days of family time.  
We were unwinding in a tea estate in Assam. 

The Bungalows were beautiful, the golf lawns expansive and the silence cut through only by the ducks raring to go. My older son was quacking away too,  gadget free time becoming bothersome. I asked him to go ahead explore and before we knew it, he had a friend. 

Finding things to do!

The day went by quickly in the company of another. In the middle of nowhere, we had chanced upon another just like ours. We didn’t even think it was possible – to see another kid who thought, spoke and behaved just like ours. But there they were, chance companions twinning away for an entire day. 
As we were about to say goodbye, the mom brought them a little surprise – lanterns. Make a wish she said as you let the lantern go and hope that it reaches the sky, because only then will your wish come true. 

Friend by Chance

Pokemons, chocolates, candies, what would they have said, we adults wondered. 

“I wished that our family is successful”, my nine year old told us. 

In the darkness of the night, as we took a moment to send out ‘wishes’ to the universe, my son had wished that we would survive as a family. 


At nine, I didn’t know marriages failed.
I didn’t understand that relationships were complicated or needed work. 
I was probably simply waiting for some prince charming, a firm believer of fairytales and happily ever afters.

Am I upset that I have raised a cynic?
That my child is deprived of his fairytale years. That I have broken his rosy glasses at such a young age. 
Maybe. A tiny part of me definitely cringes at that thought. 
But honestly speaking I AM MORE PROUD that I have raised someone who sees possibilities. Someone who understands that relationships are choices we make. Who know that unless we value the people in our life, they will find a better purpose for themselves. They must walk away and find a better purpose for themselves. 
I am also happy that though he understands that we can fail, that this marriage can end, he hopes that we stay together. He wishes that we remain one unit. 
I am happy that he values us together more than apart. That though he would get more of me apart, he’d rather have a little of all us together. 

It has been three years since we tied the knot – my husband, my son and me. 
It was not an easy decision because when you are three, it is easy to take sides. 
It is easy to feel incredibly cheated, misunderstood, or lonely. It is also hard to not judge, to not be harsh, to hold back and choose the right words. My husband may have felt like the outsider so many times. My son may have felt neglected umpteen times. I have struggled too. 
We could think of a hundred reasons why we should not have.  
But it was a decision we three took nevertheless and together we work at it. 
We prove every reason to stay apart wrong every single day. 
Even on days like this when we are not talking to each other, we are alright. 
And when our little one came along, we even began to feel a little less odd. A little more complete. A little more balanced. 


Just like that on a random holiday one dark night a chance friend gave us the opportunity to make a wish. And once again three years later, we chose to wish a life together. 
To Leather!
To Crystals! 
To more years of Peace and Happiness!

A Wish to The Universe

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